Name: Devlin Kari Chikimaru
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Sexual/Romantic Orientation: straight
Dev Alias(es):
His Saiyan brethren Date of Birth: 09/22
Astrological/Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Species: Saiyan
Blood Type: O Negative
Affiliations/Organizations: Cooler, King Vegeta, lone warrior.
Status: middle class saiyan warrior, high known for his hand to hand and tactical combat.
Occupation: Lone Bounty Hunter, Merc for hire
The Character’s Appearance General Appearance: Devlin Chikimaru has long spiky black hair with purple tips. He wears a typical saiyan armor of pure black and purple colors his under clothing made of a polymer made to withstand most damage. He wears a blank mask white mask with no facial appearances other than eyes which where blacked out due to his visor scouter built into it. The mask was equipped with a com/mic system and could change visual frequencies to night vision, thermal, etc. his arms were covered to the elbow with gauntlets armed with side blades and a built in control system to his computer systems allowing access to remote controlled weapons and gadgets. His boots were black with metal toes.
Height: 5’ Weight: 220 kilo
Handedness: Ambidextrous
Tattoos/Birthmarks/Scars: Devlin has many scars covering his arms and torso. The only tattoo is the royal crest on his right shoulder. Jewelry/Accessories: The Arc Gauntlets; Gauntlets remote linked to the Arc System. Long black bladed katana.
About the Character Personality: Devlin is a cold hearted mercenary. He shows no remorse for his targets but shows very limited compassion to his allies. He thrives in battle or combat.
Favorites: Fighting, eating, and calculating the perfect plane.
Least Favorites: Calm relaxing situations.
Hobbies/Interests: Training, working on the Arc Systems in preparation of creating a super space colony, making tech gadgets and weaponry, meditating, Painting, and working his occupation. Phobias/Fears: The impending doom of all in the universe
Habits: Devlin is an occasional cigarette smoker
Mannerisms: Devlin is very typically silent. When he speaks it is a deep dark voice that usually comes in a whisper. When his masks speaker is on it makes his voice louder. He speaks quite formally unless he is aggravated. In which case he has a harsh tone and is sarcastic
Skills/Talents: Devlin is a very skilled and talented fighter. Due to his tactical mastery and stellar combat skills he is a powerful force to have on either side. He is known for his teleportation and powerful ki attacks as well as well as being a technological genius providing ai drone assistance on the battlefield.
Best Qualities: His fighting, his loyalty, his eyes, his patience Worst Qualities: His anger, his attitude, his cockiness.
Morality/Ethics: Other than his current employer Devlin claims loyalty only to the King of Planet Vegeta and its people. He has spared very few of his adversaries and shows unrelenting fury onto those who oppose him.
Goals/Motivations/Dreams: Devlin’s goal is to build a Super Space Colony known as The Arc to be able to move the Saiyan race to in case of a planetary crisis. His trust for the overlords of the universe: King Cold, Freiza, and Cooler, is very limited and his anxiety of them striking grows by the day.
Powers and Abilities
Teleportation: Devlin is able to quickly teleport to great distances and at great speeds providing a perfect flurry combo.
Soul Arrow: Devlin forms a small triangle of massive energy on his finger. When it connects it explodes
Final Barrage: Devlin teleports at high speeds delivering a flurry of kicks, punches, and ki blasts. Its is finalized with a breath stealing uppercut to the chest and one last ki blast to send the victim flying.
Magnitude Wave: Devlin shoots a massive wave of energy vast enough to cause tremors. When hit it suspends the enemy in a short paralysis allowing more to be continuously fired. Not always effective to status.
Dead On Blasts: Multiple balls of energy shot with perfect accuracy.
Explode on contact Breath Taker: Devlin charges an orb of energy typically hovering around him. When it completes he fires it at his opponent as a energy beam. Known for a short stun
Devistation Bomb: A massively charged energy bomb which takes 3 minutes to use. When fired it is known to annihilate most in its path sometimes even planets depending on charge. Strengths: Reflexes, distance and up close tactics, accuracy, strength, speed.
Weaknesses: Gets cocky, typically loses his composure and temper
Restrictions: When Devlin loses his cool and gets to stressed he typically uses to much of his power at one time.
Alternate Form(s):
Oozaru(Great Ape)
Super Saiyan 1-3
Relationships Family:
Mother - unknown
Father - unknown
Siblings - unknown
Aunts/Uncles - unknown
Nieces/Nephews - unknown
Children - unknown
Friends: - none
Pets: - red blue green parrot named Chester Jr.
Enemies: - whoever is his latest target
Relationship(s): none Character Background Devlin was born to a middle class family on planet vegeta. While in his incubation pod his parents perished leaving him alone in the world. He slowly grew up on the streets as a degenerate until he locked his attention on the Kings army. He began training with other children slowly growing stronger until after years of unresting training and studying Devlin eventually joined as Devlin Son of None, a title he was given due to him wearing his expressionless mask. In Under a year of his service he was appointed to work as the King’s head scientist due to word of his intensives studies and breakthrough inventions. The King had explained his concern of Frieza’s potential of destroying their home world and established a back up plan for if it did occur. Devlin began his objective and began creating his AI system. Within a few years he had developed it and began work on the Arc Core Systems and Drone assembly, but due to political objections it was suspended. In a bout of frustration Devlin assembled a large space ship and shot off of planet to continue his research off planet. After many bouts with space pirates and various enemies Devlin was forced with two decisions. With the progress he had made he wouldn't be allowed to continue back home so it was either join Frieza’s Army or Cooler’s. Devlin set course for Cooler and eventually located him. As he boarded the ship he was cornered by the Cooler Squad. He slowly raised his hands and explained his business. When brought to their leader he was presented with a test. To fight the Squad and win he would be allowed to join the ranks but if he failed he would be killed. He easily and quickly defeated them and was then thrown into a fight with Cooler. Cooler dominated him and as he walked over to deliver the final blow he boasted about his brother’s growing anxiety of the Saiyans and the potential of him acting trigger happy. The sheer thought of his planets destruction sent him into a fit of rage and pushing him into the Super Saiyan transformation. After fending Cooler off for some time Cooler yielded and nodded. Devlin collapsed and for the rest of time coming to present he worked as an aid of Cooler and a hired merc.
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Sexual/Romantic Orientation: straight
Dev Alias(es):
His Saiyan brethren Date of Birth: 09/22
Astrological/Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Species: Saiyan
Blood Type: O Negative
Affiliations/Organizations: Cooler, King Vegeta, lone warrior.
Status: middle class saiyan warrior, high known for his hand to hand and tactical combat.
Occupation: Lone Bounty Hunter, Merc for hire
The Character’s Appearance General Appearance: Devlin Chikimaru has long spiky black hair with purple tips. He wears a typical saiyan armor of pure black and purple colors his under clothing made of a polymer made to withstand most damage. He wears a blank mask white mask with no facial appearances other than eyes which where blacked out due to his visor scouter built into it. The mask was equipped with a com/mic system and could change visual frequencies to night vision, thermal, etc. his arms were covered to the elbow with gauntlets armed with side blades and a built in control system to his computer systems allowing access to remote controlled weapons and gadgets. His boots were black with metal toes.
Height: 5’ Weight: 220 kilo
Handedness: Ambidextrous
Tattoos/Birthmarks/Scars: Devlin has many scars covering his arms and torso. The only tattoo is the royal crest on his right shoulder. Jewelry/Accessories: The Arc Gauntlets; Gauntlets remote linked to the Arc System. Long black bladed katana.
About the Character Personality: Devlin is a cold hearted mercenary. He shows no remorse for his targets but shows very limited compassion to his allies. He thrives in battle or combat.
Favorites: Fighting, eating, and calculating the perfect plane.
Least Favorites: Calm relaxing situations.
Hobbies/Interests: Training, working on the Arc Systems in preparation of creating a super space colony, making tech gadgets and weaponry, meditating, Painting, and working his occupation. Phobias/Fears: The impending doom of all in the universe
Habits: Devlin is an occasional cigarette smoker
Mannerisms: Devlin is very typically silent. When he speaks it is a deep dark voice that usually comes in a whisper. When his masks speaker is on it makes his voice louder. He speaks quite formally unless he is aggravated. In which case he has a harsh tone and is sarcastic
Skills/Talents: Devlin is a very skilled and talented fighter. Due to his tactical mastery and stellar combat skills he is a powerful force to have on either side. He is known for his teleportation and powerful ki attacks as well as well as being a technological genius providing ai drone assistance on the battlefield.
Best Qualities: His fighting, his loyalty, his eyes, his patience Worst Qualities: His anger, his attitude, his cockiness.
Morality/Ethics: Other than his current employer Devlin claims loyalty only to the King of Planet Vegeta and its people. He has spared very few of his adversaries and shows unrelenting fury onto those who oppose him.
Goals/Motivations/Dreams: Devlin’s goal is to build a Super Space Colony known as The Arc to be able to move the Saiyan race to in case of a planetary crisis. His trust for the overlords of the universe: King Cold, Freiza, and Cooler, is very limited and his anxiety of them striking grows by the day.
Powers and Abilities
Teleportation: Devlin is able to quickly teleport to great distances and at great speeds providing a perfect flurry combo.
Soul Arrow: Devlin forms a small triangle of massive energy on his finger. When it connects it explodes
Final Barrage: Devlin teleports at high speeds delivering a flurry of kicks, punches, and ki blasts. Its is finalized with a breath stealing uppercut to the chest and one last ki blast to send the victim flying.
Magnitude Wave: Devlin shoots a massive wave of energy vast enough to cause tremors. When hit it suspends the enemy in a short paralysis allowing more to be continuously fired. Not always effective to status.
Dead On Blasts: Multiple balls of energy shot with perfect accuracy.
Explode on contact Breath Taker: Devlin charges an orb of energy typically hovering around him. When it completes he fires it at his opponent as a energy beam. Known for a short stun
Devistation Bomb: A massively charged energy bomb which takes 3 minutes to use. When fired it is known to annihilate most in its path sometimes even planets depending on charge. Strengths: Reflexes, distance and up close tactics, accuracy, strength, speed.
Weaknesses: Gets cocky, typically loses his composure and temper
Restrictions: When Devlin loses his cool and gets to stressed he typically uses to much of his power at one time.
Alternate Form(s):
Oozaru(Great Ape)
Super Saiyan 1-3
Relationships Family:
Mother - unknown
Father - unknown
Siblings - unknown
Aunts/Uncles - unknown
Nieces/Nephews - unknown
Children - unknown
Friends: - none
Pets: - red blue green parrot named Chester Jr.
Enemies: - whoever is his latest target
Relationship(s): none Character Background Devlin was born to a middle class family on planet vegeta. While in his incubation pod his parents perished leaving him alone in the world. He slowly grew up on the streets as a degenerate until he locked his attention on the Kings army. He began training with other children slowly growing stronger until after years of unresting training and studying Devlin eventually joined as Devlin Son of None, a title he was given due to him wearing his expressionless mask. In Under a year of his service he was appointed to work as the King’s head scientist due to word of his intensives studies and breakthrough inventions. The King had explained his concern of Frieza’s potential of destroying their home world and established a back up plan for if it did occur. Devlin began his objective and began creating his AI system. Within a few years he had developed it and began work on the Arc Core Systems and Drone assembly, but due to political objections it was suspended. In a bout of frustration Devlin assembled a large space ship and shot off of planet to continue his research off planet. After many bouts with space pirates and various enemies Devlin was forced with two decisions. With the progress he had made he wouldn't be allowed to continue back home so it was either join Frieza’s Army or Cooler’s. Devlin set course for Cooler and eventually located him. As he boarded the ship he was cornered by the Cooler Squad. He slowly raised his hands and explained his business. When brought to their leader he was presented with a test. To fight the Squad and win he would be allowed to join the ranks but if he failed he would be killed. He easily and quickly defeated them and was then thrown into a fight with Cooler. Cooler dominated him and as he walked over to deliver the final blow he boasted about his brother’s growing anxiety of the Saiyans and the potential of him acting trigger happy. The sheer thought of his planets destruction sent him into a fit of rage and pushing him into the Super Saiyan transformation. After fending Cooler off for some time Cooler yielded and nodded. Devlin collapsed and for the rest of time coming to present he worked as an aid of Cooler and a hired merc.