In the Dragon Ball series, Kami's Lookout or The Lookout, or God's Temple is an ancient platform that is in geostationary orbit in the skies of Earth, and directly above Korin Tower; for some time, Korin Tower and the Lookout were connected by the Power Pole. Events occurring on the Earth can be observed from here and can sense battles in the universe. After Kami merged with Piccolo, Dende took over, technically making it Dende's Lookout. However, it is still referred to as Kami's Lookout or simply, The Lookout.
It is located in the Heavenly Realm, and is connected to the Divine Sage Realm where the Sacred Water is located. The Divine Sage Realm is where the graves of the previous guardians of Earth are located, and is located at the bottom of the Heavenly Realm.
It is located in the Heavenly Realm, and is connected to the Divine Sage Realm where the Sacred Water is located. The Divine Sage Realm is where the graves of the previous guardians of Earth are located, and is located at the bottom of the Heavenly Realm.